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Weight Loss, Are You Ready, Willing and Able?

Writer's picture: Dr. Jill KingDr. Jill King

True change takes more than just winging it. It is important that you are realistic with what you are really ready, willing, and able to do. We don't want you to go on a diet and then lose momentum. Here is a list of questions that we want you to reflect on:

How close are you to change?

  1. How ready are you to change?

  2. How willing are you to change?

  3. How able are you to change?

There are no right or wrong answers. Honest answers are essential to getting a clear understanding of where you’re starting from, and what exactly to do next.

How ready are you to change?

How ready are you to change your existing nutrition, health, and fitness practices?

What brought you to this program?

Are you sick of the status quo? Or do you feel that your old routines are still working pretty well for you?

Score yourself. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being “Too soon! Not ready.” and 10 being “Totally ready! Bring it.”

How willing are you to change?

How willing are you to trust the coaching process and let change happen, or purposely challenge some of your existing ways of doing things?

How open are you right now to changing your mindset, habits, and routines?

Are you willing to flow with the coaching process? Or do you hate being told what to do?

Score yourself. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being “No change! I’m digging my heels in.” and 10 being “Change me! I’m putty in your hands.”

How able are you to change?

How able are you to change right now?

Despite any amount of personal readiness and willingness, there could be real external barriers blocking progress.

For example, a tough work schedule, having a new baby, or an unsupportive home or work environment.

Score yourself. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being “Right now, I simply can’t change.” and 10 beings “I have all the tools and support I need.”

Key Takeaway Questions

Right now, how READY are you to change your existing nutrition and health habits?

1 = not ready at all. 10 = completely ready.

Right now, how WILLING are you to change your existing nutrition and health habits?

1 = not willing at all. 10 = completely willing.

Right now, how ABLE are you to change your existing nutrition and health habits?

1 = not able at all. 10 = completely able.

If you're noticing any resistance to change right now, what does that resistance look like to you?

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